By Edward Isaacs
Creation Encounter has an exciting line-up of tours for 2020, not least of which is the introduction of seven new tours! The following is a list of those tours to be introduced next year.
We look forward to guiding you into the field next year! See you on the trail!

February 29
Nestled along the northern banks of the Columbia River, the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge is a marvelously rich wintering ground for dozens of bird species. Canada geese, great blue herons, various owls, numerous duck species, and a host of other birds are year-round residents, while sandhill cranes, various songbirds, and others visit this area during their annual migrations. With over 5,200 acres of marshes, grasslands, and woodlands, this area harbors a rich ecosystem abundant with mammals, amphibians, and reptiles beside the vast bird populations for which this refuge is known. Join Creation Encounter for a wonderful day exploring this biological menagerie!
Binoculars are a must on this expedition. If you have a bird identification book, bring it along. We'll be meeting early at the refuge. It will be cold, so prepare by wearing many layers of clothes that can be shed as the day warms. You will need to use cash or a check to pay for a $3 vehicle pass into the park. Please also note that this date is subject to change depending on the weather, etc.

March 14
This trip is designed to explore the major creation/Flood evidences between Estacada and Cascade Locks. We will highlight Creation Encounter’s groundbreaking research on large Flood-produced terraces of quartzite cobbles near Eagle Creek, Oregon. We will collect discuss the significance of these quartzites, many of which have traveled over 450 miles from their source area! We will also examine petrified wood from the Eagle Creek Formation, discuss the diversity and ecology of Gorge animals and vegetation, and enjoy Herman the Sturgeon and other fish at Bonneville Dam while discussing the worldview issues implicit in the interpretive signs there. We will conclude at Cascade Locks with the fascinating geological and historical evidence for the legendary Bridge of the Gods.

April 10
Every year, wildfires rampage across the world, destroying thousands of acres of land once inhabited by profuse biological provinces. Such a fire happened in the Columbia River Gorge in the fall of 2017. Such disasters sometimes cause us to question the purpose of these destructive natural phenomena. Join Creation Encounter as leaders Marianne Schecklman and Marilee Janzen explore the importance of these seemingly destructive forces and the ensuing biological recovery of the region where life has risen from the ashes. This early April expedition is certain to capture the imagination as we investigate the recovering populations of birds, trees, and wildflowers.

June 26 to 28
A favorite among school groups, this tour to John Day Fossil Beds is now being offered as a three-day family camp. Rich fossil deposits and fascinating geology and scenery make the John Day area an excellent outdoor classroom. Here we will ponder the stunning evidences for the Genesis Flood in the John Day area. On a few short hikes, we will even collect fossils and discuss the environment that created them. Not only this, we will also wade the river and examine Indian pictographs in Picture Gorge, study the stars, visit, and discuss what's up at Thomas Condon Visitor Center, still having plenty of time for relaxation and having fun around the campfire. This tour will make use of and include the guidebook co-authored by your guides John Hergenrather and Dennis Bokovoy.

July 10 to 12
A classic weekend expedition, this tour was resurrected last year with numerous improvements; it quickly became so popular that Creation Encounter has decided to offer it once more in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of Mount St. Helens 1980 eruption! Exploring all three major regions of Mount St. Helens, we investigate the astounding eruption and subsequent biological recovery that has shaped this dynamic area.
Join creation scientists Paul Taylor, Dr. Keith Swenson and Edward Isaacs on this three-day/two-night, kid-friendly expedition to discover “hands-on” evidence of how geology can happen fast! We will investigate the events at Mt. St. Helens and how they provide us with a small scientific model explaining some of the geological processes occurring during the Great Flood of Noah's day. We also will observe how biological recovery after a catastrophe can happen rapidly.
We plan to camp Friday and Saturday nights at the centrally located Eagle Cliff Campground and Store which is twenty miles east of Cougar WA. You will be able to register and find more and details on our updated 2020 website posted at the end of January.

August 6 to 8
Remote southeastern Oregon has never been a popular tourism destination, yet it's certainly not lacking in natural and historical wonders. On this family outing, we will see incredible birds of all sorts, the like of which you have never seen before! We will enjoy instruction in creation geology and biology from Creation Encounter leaders Steve Hayley and Marianne Scheckelman. Expect four full days exploring pluvial lake Indian settlements and petroglyphs, the High Steens Mountains (heavily glaciated not long ago), the strange Southwest desert plants and animals of the Alvord desert and its many hot springs, as well as interesting ranches and settlement history, including the hardy Kiger wild mustangs of Spanish descent. Our base camp will be the Crystal Crane Hot Springs Campground and Informal Resort with a variety of lodging options.

October 3
The Lake Missoula Flood was a massive catastrophe of epic proportions. Beginning as a lake of 540 cubic miles, a volume greater than that of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario combined, Lake Missoula was dammed behind an ice lobe in Idaho at the end of the Ice Age. When finally released, this flood ripped across Washington, forming Channeled Scablands, and streamed into the bottleneck of the mountains: the Columbia River Gorge. Onward to the ocean it went, leaving a multitude of geologic marvels in its wake. However, this regional disturbance was of little comparison to the planetary cataclysm of the Genesis Flood. Come explore the geologic relicts of the Missoula Flood and the story of their discovery in modern times and see firsthand how they help us understand the sheer magnitude of the Genesis Flood – the ultimate deluge.
We will begin east of Gresham, Oregon and tour eastward towards the Rowena Gap beyond Hood River. There we will uncover the massive erosion and occasional deposition during this dynamic geological event and discover how it gives us a small glimpse into the Genesis Flood.